Philippians 4:6- “Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” 

The bigger the head, the bigger the worry, no capping. The biggest fear of a rich man is going broke. The biggest fear of a poor man is putting food on the table. Every human has worries, it is an unavoidable state of feeling. There is a confused state that we all get to and freak out.

A friend of mine was sharing on her vlog the other day about something that got her, big time. So apparently she took an exam and didn’t pass because she didn’t have the right materials. The issue now is that she would have to pay a huge amount to resit the exam. She got so worried and started to look for connections on how to make things work. Meanwhile, God had sent a helper, but she was blinded by anxiety. She freaked out.

Many Christians are replicas of this person. I know this because I can totally relate to this situation. At that point when we need God, we begin to do the heavy lifting all by ourselves, not realizing how much help God has pushed our way. Anxiety is a feeling of  worry; it is distress, concern, and fear. 

I can imagine what Job felt when he lost everything. When I signed out of school late last year, full realization hit me. As my parents came to park my stuff, I began to panic. Panic for the future. What next? What am I gonna do? 

Anxiety is that feeling of panic every graduate feels as a result of uncertainty in life. Some corps members feel it too when they’re about to finish their service year. Questions such as, “What next?” “Where will I get a job?” “How do I figure this out?” And it gets worse with age. 


Luke 12:25 And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?

Is it a health problem? Is it your crumbling relationship? Is it the family?

Certainly, the economy is biting hard, but God’s Word is reassuring. God says to trust in the Lord with all your heart. To trust means not depend on self, Letting him do the heavy lifting. It’s funny how we all strive 24/7 to help God fix things. 

We just want to give our worrisome minds some nonsensical explanations for the current dilemma or crisis. Perhaps a senseless explanation was better than no explanation. Maybe we wanted to help God lose some bolts and nuts. 

Even if it is really hard to trust God, even when we profess it right there in the middle of the turmoil with a fake smile, there is another urge waiting for God to really come through, and at that point, it usually seems like nothing is happening. So we falter. It’s HARD to trust God. It was hard for Job, he almost faltered. 

Humanly speaking, it is almost impossible not to be anxious about everything. But it takes God’s grace, strength, and perseverance to hold still and trust God.

It’s gonna be okay. 
