“Why do you wear it?”

Oftentimes, Hijabis are faced with this question. Hijabis are Muslim women who wear the head covering known as the Hijab. 

They usually get this question mostly from non-Muslims, and for every Hijabi out there, there is always a different story. Today on Hijabelles, eleven Hijabis share the reasons behind their decision to wear the Hijab.

Khoonnatty, Lagos

It’s a commandment and I’m following that for Allah’s sake. To cut the story short, I just felt connected to it from the Quran. 

I had this fear of not following what my Creator has commanded. I also have this fear of what friends and family think of me now that I am using it. 

Initially, I would wear it for some time and leave it again. This went on for a while until the start of one Ramadan when I finally submitted, after I went to bathe a deceased person for the first time. 

I was like “so this is the end of it all? What will people say about me? And at the end, I will be left alone in the grave with my deeds.” I submitted to the will of Allah that day. Alhamdulillah.

Pooja, Ibadan

Hmmm… I’ve always been a Hijabi right from my childhood days. I’ve always detested the thought of knowing someone has seen what my hair looks like. 

And I love it, even when I was a “non-religious” Muslim, I feel safe in it.

Majeedah, Lagos

I started wearing a Hijab when I got to JSS 1. I was enrolled in a Muslim school and I saw it as my religious way of life which is compulsory.

Ummu Aafiyah

I started wearing the Hijab as a symbol that I’m a Muslim and as an act of commitment that nothing was going to change me; be it attending a missionary school or living in a Christian community.

Then, yearning to learn more about Islam and meeting great friends helped to transform my Hijab into a Jilbab. I love Allah and anything to please Him, I will do.

Zee, Lagos

I’ve been wearing the hijab since I was a kid mainly because it’s compulsory in Islam and makes me feel really good. 

Not only does wearing the Hijab make me feel good, but it makes me feel beautiful. I know that I look beautiful whenever I wear the Hijab. 

It looks lovely on me and it keeps me chaste. The Hijab is also like my weapon; it makes me feel stronger in a way that I just cannot explain. It gives me this power girl feeling!

Nafnaf, Kaduna

Hmm…I started wearing Hijab out of anger ‘cause my mom used to always complain that I go about without a scarf or anything, and she even told a friend of hers.

That’s the part that annoyed me, but I later loved wearing it. I love the sense of security I get when I wear it, I just love it.

Jay, Lagos

Well, at first it was the natural thing. I grew up with my mom, aunt, and the women around me wearing the hijab and even the Niqab. But, as a teenager, I came to face situations that made me confront my reasons. 

For me, the biggest reason for my wearing the Hijab is that I want Allah to be pleased with me. As I grew older, another reason developed. I realized that Allah only has my best interests, and I greedily want to get every benefit. 

I also think that it makes us more humble than we would ordinarily be, as women. Not being able to rely on your beauty or feminine charms makes you want to develop other aspects of yourself. This is just a tongue-in-cheek reason, though. Heehee.

Maidservant, Oyo

Well, I’ve always worn the Hijab. Growing up I was taught that the Hijab is a commandment of Allah. 

As an adult, I understand that it’s an obligation for every Muslimah to wear the Hijab for Allah instructs the Prophet – may Allah’s peace be upon him – to tell his wives, daughters, and the believing women to draw their cloaks around themselves.


I wear the Hijab because I’m a Muslim. As I grew older, I got to understand the “why” and trust me when I say it’s a real struggle. I started wearing a proper Jilbab in 2016 or so.

Sulaiman Rasheedah, Kwara

I started wearing my Hijab at the tender age of 10 not because my parents are Muslim but because I grew to understand that it is mandatory for every Muslimah to always cover their Awrah.

Teslymat, Lagos

We wear it in my family, but not often because I feel not wearing a Hijab doesn’t mean you are not a Muslimah.
