“So how did you two meet?”

“Oh, he texted me on social media…”

It’s 2022! Connecting on social media is not a new thing. With the rave of Ini Dima Okojie’s “A chocolate love story,” you can also shoot your shot the digital way.

There’s no problem with you being the one making the first move, but the big question is how exactly do you do that as a Muslim lady? 

This article is a step-by-step guide to get you started, so even if you don’t end up together, you will live with the satisfaction of knowing that you tried, and it’s his loss  (just console yourself that it always is).

You have a man on social media that ticks all the boxes and the only thing that can connect you two is a DM? Here’s how you do it 😉

1. Make sure it’s realistic

Having a crush on celebrity Sheikhs doesn’t count. If you want to shoot your shot at Mufti Menk or Nurudeen Lemu, I’m sorry, but this guide isn’t for you. 

2. Don’t just send a Hi/Salam alaikum

Nope. Don’t do it. It’s not a dating app, it’s social media. 

In most scenarios, you might just be ignored from the get go.

3. Keep the pick-up lines Halal

Take for example: “Wanna know what your Jalabia is made of? Husband material.” If this line works, let us know 😜 

But pick-up lines have gotta be smooth, and if you cannot do smooth, and if you want to avoid the not-so-halal zone, just don’t do it. Don’t!

4. Don’t aggressively like all of their pictures

Don’t double tap from the first post of 2017 up till 2022. 

Imagine him logging into social media and seeing your name flooding his notifications? You might get noticed enough for him to click the block button.

5. Don’t DM them right away

Take your time to build some sort of familiarity with them in their comment section, but don’t overdo it. 

Remember, the key rule here is DON’T OVERDO.

6. You can enter the DM through their status/stories

When you see a post you can relate to or understand well, enter at this point. Be confident. “I can see the connection you made between so-and-so, so quick question, what do you think about this perspective?” See? 

Asking questions about something they are interested in is a surefire way to kick-off.

7. Limit the emojis

Yup, some people find some emojis offensive (trust me). 

And since you’re not exactly in that friendship zone talkless of getting to the we’re-made-for-each-other zone, keep the emojis low. 

You can stick to the basic emojis for the right situation.

8. Be patient with your messages

If he’s not responding yet, don’t overwhelm him. The last thing you want to do is come off as clingy.

9. Be open to rejection 

This is the digital world, chances are you might be ghosted. It’s okay, there are plenty of brothers in the Deen.

10. Opt for the way of Khadijah

Khadijah proposed to the Prophet PBUH through a third party. 

If you like a man, send that your trusted friend or family relative to speak to him on your behalf, and that way, the matter will be handled for you and you’ll wait for a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. 

Like I said, we are keeping it Halal. If he’s not taking the straight road down to the last bus stop of signing Nikkah papers, pack your load out of his DMs. 


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